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Can Pakistan Get the Clean Sweep?

From the blog newslinemagazine - Rehman and Ajmal almost singlehandedly stopped England this past weekend in the UAE. But will England, considered the world's best side, fall so quickly again? . Open Full Post

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Karachi fairgrounds; demos, devils and beyond

From the blog pakteahouse - > Karachi fairgrounds; demos, devils and beyond — By Ali Arqam: Zulfiqar Mirza's theatrics, Altaf Hussain's histrionics, rabble-rouser Qureshi's anti climax (of Nuclear Arsenal under threat episode) , Munawwar Hasan's 'No one loves me' quetches, Fazlur Rehman alarm bells of Islam in perils, the coming upshot is a rally by JuD... . Open Full Post

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دیپاچہ: تشکیل پاکستان اور تائید ایزدی

From the blog pakiez - > دیپاچہ: تشکیل پاکستان اور تائید ایزدی — دنیا کی پہلی نظریاتی حکومت عہد نبویؐ میں دیکھی گئی جو عظیم فلاحی ریاست تسلیم کی جاتی ہے۔ سترھویں صدی میں یورپ بہت سی تبدیلیوں اور پیش رفتوں سے گزرا۔ جن میں سماجی سطح پر نظریہ قومیت نے جنم لیا۔ اس قومیت نے ایک تخریبی بیج بویا۔ وہ لسانی اور نسلی قومیت کا بیج تھا۔ . Open Full Post

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Salam Sahab, we have failed you

From the blog wondersofpakistan - > Salam Sahab, we have failed you — Yesterday marked the 85th Birthday of Dr. Abdus Salam, theoretical physicist and the only Pakistani Nobel Laureate. He is not our national hero, his name is rarely ever mentioned, in his life the only befitting 'honour' we could provide him was a life in self exile, in his death... . Open Full Post

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Building a tourist haven: Mekan Riviera on the Blue...

From the blog rupeenews - > Building a tourist haven: Mekan Riviera on the Blue... — Mekan Riviera on the Blue sea! Building a tourist haven A Civilization 5000 years old. Visit the ruins of one of the oldest cities of the world, older than Rome, Chechenitza. See the 7000 year old Mehergarh-older than Egypt, Pharoah and Moses the first agricultural lands in... . Open Full Post

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Sarla Devi: Mohandas Gandhi's adulterous affair with...

From the blog rupeenews - > Sarla Devi: Mohandas Gandhi's adulterous affair with... — Sex: Mohandas Gandhi's adulterous affair with Sarla Devi Gandhi's racism: The truth behind the mask. Behold Sergeant-Major Gandhi who supported the British during the Boer War and Zulu Rebellion. Behold the prophet of peace who worked to stratify the society in South Africa,... . Open Full Post

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Silistra: Two million Bulgarian Muslims face extinction

From the blog rupeenews - > Silistra: Two million Bulgarian Muslims face extinction — Two million Bulgarian Muslims of Ottoman Silistra face extermination Silistra Province (Turkish: Silistre Eyaleti), sometimes called zi Province was an eyalet of the Ottoman Empire along the Black Sea littoral and south bank of the Danube River in southeastern Europe. �... . Open Full Post

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Romania's Tartar Muslims

From the blog rupeenews - > Romania's Tartar Muslims — Tartar Muslims of Romania � It was a different story in the 16th century. Today Islam in Romania is followed by only 0.3 percent of population, but has 700 years of tradition in Northern Dobruja, a region on the Black Sea coast which was part of the Ottoman Empire for almost... . Open Full Post

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Indian Hitler lovers: Mohandas Gandhi, Savitri Devi,...

From the blog rupeenews - > Indian Hitler lovers: Mohandas Gandhi, Savitri Devi,... — Hitler's priestess: Indian Savitri Devi's Holocaust denials echo in Modi's Gujarat What follows is the first of three surviving letters from Savitri Devi to Miguel Serrano, the renowned Chilean diplomat, author, and Esot d Miguel Serrano's ideas. Sevitir agreed with Arthur Butz's... . Open Full Post

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Kizil Elma: G kalp's Pan-Turkism, Rehmat Ali's Pak...

From the blog rupeenews - > Kizil Elma: G kalp's Pan-Turkism, Rehmat Ali's Pak... — Kizil Elma: G kalp's Pan-Turkism, Rehmat Ali's Pak Asia and Iqbal Pan-Islamism The aim of all Turks is to unite with the Turkic borders. History is affording us today the last opportunity. In order for the Islamic world not to be forever fragmented it is necessary that the campaign... . Open Full Post

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