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A Transparent Corset

From the Blog zainad - Whatever this thing is, it's totally unattractive. The designer has just wrapped a bed sheet around Shy'm waist. And when you notice which you will pretty soon it dawns on you the corset has two nipples & a bellybutton. Hairstyling is of cou... . Read Full PostComments

Divorced men twice as keen to re-marry as divorced women

From the Blog zainad - A new study shows that men are much more likely to get over a stressful and complicated break-up than women. Divorced men are much keener to re-marry than their former wives, researchers found, with 47 per cent of men who had been through a divorce ... . Read Full PostComments

Awkward Conversations Between Bill Gates & PM Gilani at Davos

From the Blog PakistanMediaBlog - Awkward Conversations Between Bill Gates & PM Gilani at Davos 31 January 2012 � � Other Must have been fun, wish we could have been there to see Bill dish him a new one: BG: Hey aren’t you from that country that a. ignored the plight of Arfa Karim at a critical period of her illness and b. hates on all Americans for being sadists? Funny how my people stepped in Read the complete post at: PakMedia . Read Full PostComments

چٹورکھنڈ کو تباہی سے بچایا جاۓ. اہم عمارات خطرے کی زد پر ہیں. عمائدین

From the Blog pamirtimes - چٹورکھنڈ کو تباہی سے بچایا جاۓ. اہم عمارات خطرے کی زد پر ہیں. عمائدین 31 January 2012 � � Miscellaneous چٹورکھنڈ(کریم رانجھا ) چٹورکھنڈ کو تباہی سے بچایا جائے. نالہ ہیول میں  چار کلومیٹر زمین نالے کی جانب سرک رہی ہے جس سے عطا آبادسے بھی بڑے پیمانے  پر تباہی کا خدشہ پپیدا ہو گیا ہے. وزیر اعلی گلگت بلتستان اور چیف سیکریٹری کو صورتحال سے آگاہ کیا گیا ہے لیکن تاحال کوئی شنوائی نہیں ہوئی. Read the complete post at: PAMIR TIMES | Voices of the Mountain Communities � . Read Full PostComments

Protection of women rights essential for social growth: Wazir Baig

From the Blog pamirtimes - Protection of women rights essential for social growth: Wazir Baig 31 January 2012 � � Social and Community PT Report Gilgit, January 30: Islam protects rights of the women by giving them very high social status. Protection of women rights is vital for social growth. Women in GB don’t get the rights of inheritance and no resolution has been brought to the GBLA in this regard, so far. These views were shared by Read the complete post at: PAMIR TIMES | Voices of the Mountain Communities � . Read Full PostComments

Commission to probe Diamer Land Scam, reference against AC Mumtaz Zahid sent to Islamabad

From the Blog pamirtimes - Commission to probe Diamer Land Scam, reference against AC Mumtaz Zahid sent to Islamabad 31 January 2012 � � Legal and Criminal , Politics Asim Iqbal Gilgit, January 30: The Gilgit Baltistan government has decided to constitute a commission to probe a case against revenue department officials, including Thasildars, Patwaris and other officials, who are allegedly involved in Diamar-Bhasha dam courruption scandal. GB government has asked the Chief Secretary to nominate head and members of the commission. In the Read the complete post at: PAMIR TIMES | Voices of the Mountain Communities � . Read Full PostComments

Diamer Land Scam, big names might be involved

From the Blog pamirtimes - Diamer Land Scam, big names might be involved 31 January 2012 � � Other PT Report Gilgit, January 30: The Gilgit – Baltistan administration has been rocked by the news of a mega land-scam involving billions of rupees. Deputy Commissioner of Diamer, Sibtain Ahmed, has been transferred out of the district while Assistant Commissioner Zahid Mumtaz has been suspended and barred from travelling outside GB, along with other officials Read the complete post at: PAMIR TIMES | Voices of the Mountain Communities � . Read Full PostComments

Hope, deceitful as it is, serves at least to lead us to the end…

From the Blog gullian.tumblr - Hope, deceitful as it is, serves at least to lead us to the end… 30 January 2012 � � Medical and Health , Recreation Hope, deceitful as it is, serves at least to lead us to the end of our lives by an agreeable route. ~François Duc de La Rochefoucauld Rawalpindi, 2012. Syndicated from: Gullian Read the complete post at: Gullian � . Read Full PostComments

Is India Heading Toward Debt Crisis?

From the Blog riazhaq - > Is India Heading Toward Debt Crisis? — India's total external public debt has risen to $326 billion while foreign exchange reserves have dropped to $293 billion, according to the RBI data reported by the Indian Express newspaper. The Reserve Bank of India is concerned over the increasing shift from equity to debt... . Read Full PostComments 434234021148285105 Pakistani Blog Posts


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