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Scope of the subject & their interaction with our life

From the Blog NaseerAhmadMughal - Scope of the subject & their interaction with our life 02 January 2012 � � Education , Environment Scope of the subject basically refers to the area where it can be applied and scope of different subjects varies from each other in this regard. The area in which the subject is applicable is called range area of the subject. It also depends upon the nature of the subject. Like Mathematics has the widest Read the complete post at: Naseer Ahmad Mughal (Freelance Developer) � . Comments

Etihad Airways Offers New Umrah Package for Pakistan

From the Blog geotauaisay - Etihad Airways Offers New Umrah Package for Pakistan 02 January 2012 � � Recreation Etihad Airways, the national airline of the United Arab Emirates, has launched a new package for Umrah travelers, offering discounted fares and more convenient schedules for flights departing from Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad and Peshawar. A one-way flight to Jeddah from Karachi will now cost as low as, PKR 24,840, whereas a two-way flight will cost Read the complete post at: GeoTauAisay Pakistan � . Read Full PostComments

Easy to Carry Snack- JoJo’s Cheese & Chicken Pingos

From the Blog SpringOfAutumn - Easy to Carry Snack- JoJo’s Cheese & Chicken Pingos 02 January 2012 � � Recreation Onion Cheese Photo taken from the JoJo Facebook Page Snackss!! Whether its mid morning or evening tea, we all shout out loud “SNACKSS!!” JoJo foods since working internationally at a large scale understands to your food craves and keep responding them by launching various tastes. Today I am going to review my all time favorite Read the complete post at: Spring of Autumn � . Comments

Protesters condemn murder of student and torturing of journalist

From the Blog pamirtimes - Protesters condemn murder of student and torturing of journalist 02 January 2012 � � Education , Legal and Criminal , Politics , Religion , Social and Community PT Report Islamabad, January 2: Activists of the Baltistan Students Federation and journalists are protesting against the violence in Jaghlote, Gilgit district that led to the death of a student named Johar Ali.  The protesters also demanded justice for jouralist Safdar Boto, who was injured by assailants in Gilgit city. The protesters demanded of the Read the complete post at: PAMIR TIMES | Voices of the Mountain Communities � . Read Full PostComments

Ufone Collaborates with The Citizens Foundation: 'Rahbar' Mentor Programme

From the Blog geotauaisay - Ufone Collaborates with The Citizens Foundation: 'Rahbar' Mentor Programme 02 January 2012 � � Environment Taking a step forward to promote education amongst the underprivileged, Ufone Volunteers are assisting in "The Citizens Foundation's (TCF)" Rahbar mentor program. The Citizens Foundation (TCF) is a professionally managed, non-profit organization working to improve the quality of education in Pakistan. TCF Rahbar program is a Mentor Program aimed at the development of youth as Read the complete post at: GeoTauAisay Pakistan � . Read Full PostComments

Aasia Bibi update: in good health and mental condition. Stop spreading rumours, appeals CLAAS

From the Blog beenasarwar - Aasia Bibi update: in good health and mental condition. Stop spreading rumours, appeals CLAAS 02 January 2012 � � Legal and Criminal Aasia Bibi: Praying for relief but in good spirits “Prison staff is very good and kind to her and they are very much concerned about Aasia's health and security as well, but due to the wrong news broadcasting the prison staff and prison authorities are feeling hurt,” says an update about Aasia Bibi from Centre for Read the complete post at: Journeys to democracy � . Read Full PostComments

and thus falls another star – Nawab Ishrat Ali Khan Qaisar Sahab rahimahullah

From the Blog mosaafir - and thus falls another star – Nawab Ishrat Ali Khan Qaisar Sahab rahimahullah 02 January 2012 � � Other This post at leaves me aggrieved for many personal reasons. May Allah increase�Nawab Ishrat Ali Khan Qaisar Sahab in his stations in Jannah. aameen. Verily, we are from Allah and unto Him shall we return. Syndicated from: musaafir-e dasht Read the complete post at: musaafir-e dasht � . Read Full PostComments

Can Latin America handle another global shock?

From the Blog foreignpolicyblogs - Can Latin America handle another global shock? 02 January 2012 � � Other Latin America's insertion into the global economy. Source: Google Images A decoupling of emerging markets from the struggling developed world is a myth, as we saw in 2011 when euro and US shocks caused a sell-off in EM currencies, including in Latin America. Next year could be rough as global growth slows. Countries from Brazil Read the complete post at: Foreign Policy BlogsForeign Policy Blogs | The FPA Global Affairs Blog Network � . Read Full PostComments

Circa 2011.

From the Blog syedaabidabokhari - Circa 2011. 02 January 2012 � � Other - What exactly was I thinking when I said that “2011 would be full of changes?” “Change” most definitely wasn’t exactly the “in” word, a year ago. And I won’t explicate why it IS now. Enough of Immi. So, when I said that 2011 would be full of changes, did I really sense that? Or Read the complete post at: The Only Normal Person Here... � . Read Full PostComments 3352922635216696751 Pakistani Blog Posts


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