Salman Rashid on Roads Less Travelled
From the blog sajshirazi - > Salman Rashid on Roads Less Travelled — � Salman Rashid, adventurer and prolific travel writer and photographer, who has extensively written about Pakistan telling the tales less told, sights less seen, roads less travelled in... . Open Full Post
معيشت کا سفر کِدھر کو ؟
From the blog theajmals - > معيشت کا سفر کِدھر کو ؟ — حکمرانوں کے دعوے ديکھے جائيں تو معلوم ہوتا ہے کہ ہمارا ملک دنيا کا سب سے زيادہ ترقی کی راہ پر چلنے والا مُلک ہے ۔ ماہرين معاشيات کہتے ہيں کہ کسی مُلک کی معيشت اور ترقی کی دليل يا مظہر اُس کے سکے کی قدر ہوتی ہے ۔ اب جو حال ہے وہ . Open Full Post
What's going on with Zardari?
From the blog ThePakistanPolicyBlog - > What's going on with Zardari? — Here's my hypothesis on what's really going on with President Asif Ali Zardari: Zardari's heart is in poor condition. He may have had a heart attack or doctors detected severe blockage in his arteries. As a result, he's had to leave the country for Dubai (possibly en route to... . Open Full Post
No repetition of attack on Pakistani soldiers: US...
From the blog rupeenews - > No repetition of attack on Pakistani soldiers: US... — Pakistanis have heard a lot of words from the Americans. Most Pakistani s believe that the White Man speaks with forked tongue. Most Pakistanis will take the utterances of the US AMbassador to Pakistan with the grain of salt. President Obama has still been unwilling to give... . Open Full Post
Haqqani cabal replaced by patriotic Ambassadors
From the blog rupeenews - > Haqqani cabal replaced by patriotic Ambassadors — The Diplomatic Corp is being reshuffled dramatically. The Government has approved the appointment of new envoys in 14 countries. The Pakistani Foreign secretary Salman Bashir was nominated to be the Pakistani Ambassador to the US. In the end Mr. Zardari chose Sherry Rehman.... . Open Full Post
After-Fajr Blogging
From the blog uni-aza - > After-Fajr Blogging — AssalamualaikumAnd I hope the title can soon turn into 'After-fajr walking' .. Insha Allah. Just. Let. The. Thesis. END!Somehow, 12th just doesn't seem to be arriving. And the worst bit? I think it might just get delayed again! Why, you may ask? . Because... . Open Full Post
7 December, 2011 07:43
From the blog thenadeemmalik - > 7 December, 2011 07:43 — - . Open Full Post
MacCleaning Free One-Click Junk File Cleaner for Mac
From the blog tips-o-tricks - > MacCleaning Free One-Click Junk File Cleaner for Mac — Junk files are temporary files that are created when programs are executed and require some information to be temporarily stored in system. These junk files are not automatically removed by the executed program that generated these files. When left in the system, these junk... . Open Full Post
President Zardari Likely To Resign Due to Illness
From the blog columnpk - US magazine claimed that President Asif Ali Zardari had been feeling increased pressure over the Memogate scandal and President Zardari May Resign over this issue . Open Full Post
آسٹریلیا کو بڑا دھچکا، پیٹرک کمنز زخمی، بھارت کے خلاف ٹیسٹ سیریز سے باہر ہونے کا خدشہ
From the blog cricnama - بھارت کے خلاف اہم ترین سیریز سے قبل آسٹریلیا کو ایک اور بڑا دھچکا پہنچ چکا ہے کیونکہ اس کے نوجوان و باصلاحیت گیند باز پیٹرک کمنز ایڑی کی تکلیف کے باعث کم از کم 5 ہفتوں کے لیے کرکٹ کھیلنے سے محروم ہو سکتے ہیں۔ حالیہ دورۂ جنوبی افریقہ میں کیریئر کا یادگار آغاز [...] . Open Full Post
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