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پاک-انگلستان سیریز: سعید اجمل کا نشانہ 'کیون پیٹرسن'

From the Blog cricnama - پاکستان کے مایہ ناز اسپنر سعید اجمل کا کہنا ہے کہ پاکستان کا باؤلنگ اٹیک مکمل فارم میں ہے اور وہ ایک مقابلے میں انگلستان کے بلے بازوں کو دو مرتبہ آؤٹ کرنے کی تمام تر صلاحیتوں سے لیس ہے۔ سعید کا کہنا ہے کہ سیریز میں ان کا خاص نشانہ کیون پیٹرسن ہوں گے۔ [...] . Read Full PostComments

ميمو گيٹ ۔ تازہ خبر

From the Blog theajmals - > ميمو گيٹ ۔ تازہ خبر — سپریم کورٹ نے میمو اسکینڈل کیس کے خلاف پٹیشنز کو قابل سماعت قرار دیتے ہوئے بلوچستان ہائیکورٹ کے چیف جسٹس کی سربراہی میں اعلیٰ اختیاراتی کمیشن قائم کر دیا ہے ۔ سپریم کورٹ کے 9 رکنی لارجر بنچ نے میمو گیٹ اسکینڈل کے خلاف مسلم لیگ ن کے صدر میاں نواز شریف اور پارٹی رہ . Read Full PostComments

Samsung Galaxy S Will not Get ICS Update

From the Blog TheEmobliezBlog - > Samsung Galaxy S Will not Get ICS Update — The introduction of smart phones has provided ease to the customers in many different ways. The use of this device has increased considerably and different companies are offering different smart phones that have been blessed with different advanced features and specifications.... . Read Full PostComments

Samsung Evergreen An Affordable Cell Phone

From the Blog TheEmobliezBlog - > Samsung Evergreen An Affordable Cell Phone — The Samsung has always played an effective role regarding the introduction of different devices in the world of technology. These devices include the both cell phones and smart phones and all these devices have been equipped with different advanced features and specifications.... . Read Full PostComments

Princess Annie was to Mentor Pakistan in Sur Kshetra...

From the Blog guppu - > Princess Annie was to Mentor Pakistan in Sur Kshetra... — A reliable source close to Pakistani pop singer Annie Khalid has revealed that the producers of the upcoming Indian singing reality TV show Sur Kshetra which is all set to air on Sahara One TV channel of India, had approached Annie Khalid to come on board as... . Read Full PostComments

Pakistani Media: Dogs or watchdogs?

From the Blog pakteahouse - > Pakistani Media: Dogs or watchdogs? — The purpose of the media is an easy one to understand. The dissemination of factual information on issue relevant to the citizenry. This entails (or should entail) a research and effort to uncover the truth, as well as a responsibility to uphold principles of free speech, adequate... . Read Full PostComments

Well Begun is Half (almost) Done

From the Blog Ummeyusuf - > Well Begun is Half (almost) Done — After ditching the Vine yoke Cardigan, my friend Shells and I decided on Girl Friday (We are doing a knit along). She also had encountered some issues with the former pattern in an earlier attempt and was wise enough to wait the outcome of my project before recasting. Anyway,... . Read Full PostComments 3704452705854965666 Pakistani Blog Posts


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