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Real estate business slumps as rates remain stagnant in 6 years

From the Blog eproperty - LAHORE – The four percent tax on transfer of property, banks high interest rates, rapid policy change, ever-soaring inflation and political instability in the country have kept the dealers and land developers away from real estate business, dealers said. "There is slump in real estate market as the rates of properties in almost every society [...] . Read Full PostComments

Muslim Apologist Refutes Richard Dawkins

From the Blog guppu - > Muslim Apologist Refutes Richard Dawkins — The Dawkins Delusion: A Response to Richard Dawkins Author: Hamza Andreas Tzortzis When I picked up "The God Delusion" by Richard Dawkins, I was expecting to encounter new reasons put forward to form a positive case for the Atheist worldview, but I have to say that I was disappointed.... . Read Full PostComments

Safeguard your smart phones

From the Blog pisa - > Safeguard your smart phones — Have you ever observed that nowadays everyone is launching new smart phones claiming to have best features? As mobile phone technology is getting more and more advanced with the passage of time and it is going to become the need of each and everyone, it would have great affect... . Read Full PostComments

Aston Martin Beat Apple As The Coolest Brand

From the Blog telecomnewspk - In 2009, Apple's iPhone and iPod won the CoolBrands index but this year the British luxury car manufacturer, Aston Martin dominated the charts. The report was published in The Telegraph which stated that Aston Martin is this year's top Cool Brand.... . Read Full PostComments

Google Drops Lawsuit Against US Interior Department

From the Blog telecomnewspk - Google filed a lawsuit against US Department of the Interior last year. The allegations were that Government body awarded a $59 million cloud computing based contract to Microsoft unfairly and did not conduct any competitive auction. In January this y... . Read Full PostComments

Review: Don't Be Afraid Of The Dark (2011)

From the Blog zainad - I was waiting to see this movie ever since I read its pre-release review on a friend's blog. I did like its trailer immensely but I can't really say the same about the movie. Don't Be Afraid Of The Dark is an American horror film starring Guy Pearc... . Read Full PostComments

Rehearsal Pictures of 10th Lux Style Awards 2011

From the Blog pakium - �Rehearsal Pictures of 10th Lux Style Awards 2011 Rehearsal Pictures of 15 September � Rehearsal Pictures of 16 September � . Read Full PostComments 7624124043830980738 Pakistani Blog Posts


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