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Google+ hints at communal media sharing in Hangouts

From the Blog blog.awahid - In the early days of the Google+ beta project, plenty of users were excited to see how cleanly images could be shared across their streams. . Read Full PostComments

Amazon's Kindle Fire: A tablet more dangerous to Android than iPad

From the Blog blog.awahid - Amazon launched its Kindle Fire tablet at an event in New York City this morning. The tablet has most of the features that have been expected of it. It's a... . Read Full PostComments

Google+ isn't making revenue a priority, says future ads won't be annoying

From the Blog blog.awahid - It's a well-known fact that Google is a generally wealthy company. Though I've never had the pleasure of visiting any... . Read Full PostComments

Bradley Horowitz says Google+ is now Google

From the Blog blog.awahid - The very separate properties of Google will all soon be connected. As Google VP of Product Bradley Horowitz states in his Wired interview... . Read Full PostComments

These steps will protect your privacy while using Facebook and Twitter

From the Blog blog.awahid - It's amazing how many apps we use on a daily basis that ask us to log in using either our Facebook or Twitter accounts. Most of us... . Read Full PostComments 1504561320385851807 Pakistani Blog Posts


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