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Why Be Moral?

From the Blog A Myth in Creation: Awais Aftab's Blog: Why Be Moral? - I always felt there was something wrong about the question “Why should we be moral?” or “Why should we care about others?” and I realized today what that is. The question assumes that any valid answer would have to phrase morality in terms of individual self-interest or otherwise the question would remain unanswered. And that is precisely where the flaw is: morality cannot be reduced to self-interest, and the moment it is phrased in terms of self-interest, it ceases to be morality and disintegrates into something low and base. The more we engage in the question, the more we validate the underlying assumption. I believe there is no answer to this question, or if an answer exists, it is of this sort: we ought to be moral because morality is a compelling reason itself for moral beings. Now, it is true that morality does have certain advantages for an individual. For example, a moral life leads to psychological and spiritual well-being (as claimed by virtue ethics and mysticism, something which I believe myself). But these benefits are not the reasons to be moral; they are not the answer to the question “Why be moral?”; they do not reduce morality to self-interest. It is clear to me that any person who tries to be moral in the spirit of self-interest can only pretend to be moral; genuine morality will always evade him. The fruits of morality for an individual can only be tasted if you act morally regardless of self-interest, if you are moral because you find morality a compelling reason in itself. Morality has nothing to offer to a selfish soul. . Read Full PostComments

17 new volunteer citizen journalists join Team Pamir...

From the Blog pamirtimes - > 17 new volunteer citizen journalists join Team Pamir... — No girl/woman has expressed willingness to join the team! The Pamir Times' call for expansion of team has been a partial success as 17 male volunteer reporters have expressed their willingness to join our team. The nineteen aspiring reporters include … Continue reading... . Read Full PostComments

Le grande expos : South Asia and WikiLeaks

From the Blog razarumi - > Le grande expos : South Asia and WikiLeaks — By Raza Rumi An extraordinary expos through WikiLeaks has shaken the closed doors diplomacy and the global security establishment, which flourishes on a culture of secrecy. The powerful lobbies have reacted first by an extraordinary vilification of Assange, reopening of old... . Read Full PostComments

Google Cr-48 Notebook Gets Hacked to Run Ubuntu, Windows...

From the Blog sizlopedia - > Google Cr-48 Notebook Gets Hacked to Run Ubuntu, Windows... — . Read Full PostComments

Sr. HR Officer/HR Officer - Karachi, Pakistan

From the Blog PakHrUpDates - > Sr. HR Officer/HR Officer - Karachi, Pakistan — Sindh Institute of Urology and Transplantation A 450-bedded tertiary care teaching hospital providing comprehensive care to patients with renal and related diseases.We are looking for high caliber, result oriented professionals for the following positions. Eligibility: - MPA... . Read Full PostComments

Lahore Fog

From the Blog lahorenama - > Lahore Fog . Read Full PostComments

Microsoft MVP for the year 2011

From the Blog alirazashaikh - > Microsoft MVP for the year 2011 — 2011 has gotten off to a great start! I receive an email from Microsoft notifying me that I again got the Microsoft Most Valuable Professional Award for the third year in... Read more » . Read Full PostComments

More rare photos of Lahore

From the Blog lahorenama - > More rare photos of Lahore — General view of Lahore looking E Runjit Singh's palace in Lahore Fort - Runjit Singh's tomb, from the Huzoori Bagh, Lahore Jehangir's tomb in the Shadra Gardens, Lahore Wuzeer Khans Mosque,from the Quadrangle. Lahore . Read Full PostComments 3019885852828877457 Pakistani Blog Posts


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