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Is Shahid Afridi the Best Choice to Lead Pakistan in the World Cup?

From the blog AllThingsPakistan:IsShahidAfriditheBestChoicetoLeadPakistanintheWorldCup? - Tamashbeen After Shahid Afridi's amazing whirlwind beauty of an innings against New Zealand today, I am feeling more upbeat on Shahid”> Afridi than ever. Rumour has it that others are too and he may be finally named as Pakistan's team captain for the 2011 ICC World Cup Cricket. With 22 days left to the tournament, every other team except Pakistan has announced their captain. Not a distinction that one would want. So, the sooner we name a captain, the better. More than anyone else, the team needs to know so that they can wrap their mind around the idea of whoever it is. The two leading contenders are Misbah-ul-Haq (who leads the Pakistan Test team) and Shahid Afridi (who is leading the Pakistan one-day team). I am rooting for Shahid Afridi. Not just because he is the more exciting player, but also because he is more experienced, because he is temperamentally more attuned to the one-day format, but most importantly because he leads aggressively, plays to win, and put all he has in trying to win. Till a few hours ago I was rather agnostic between the two and could have voted for either of them (Misbah did have a good Test series as captain). But right now I see Shahid Afridi's innings and attitude today and compare it with Misbah's batting and strategy in the second Test match against New Zealand (which he let slide), and comparing the two I know exactly who I will go with – Shahid Afridi. Who would you go with? . Open Full Post

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Seven Places in My Heart

From the blog Newsline:SevenPlacesinMyHeart - A young man's journey from the backwaters to bright lights, big city – and how the literary seed was sown… . Open Full Post

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Egypt police then and now – remembering May 25, 2005

From the blog beenasarwar - Egypt police then and now – remembering May 25, 2005 29 January 2011     Other Egypt is the second biggest recipient of American aid and military hardware, long used by the Mubarak regime to brutalise the people. The Egyptian police are even more brutal than in Pakistan. Watching the situation now on Al Jazeera livestream, when the police have been forced to retreat before the might of the people, I Read the complete post at: Journeys to democracy » . Open Full Post

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the 'real' Thesis week at NCA

From the blog thesaproject - the 'real' Thesis week at NCA 29 January 2011     Other The NCA Bachelors thesis is up all over NCA and the Tollinton Market Anarkali from Monday, January 24 till Sunday, January 30. The Departments that are showcasing their works are Fine arts – Print making, Painting, Sculpture and Miniature -, Architecture, Communication Design, Ceramic Design, Textile Design, Product Design, Musicology and and Film and T.V. Read the complete post at: The s.a. Project » . Open Full Post

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