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" Moral Corruption in TODAY's Pakistani Society "

From the Blog Pak1stanfirstcom - " Moral Corruption in TODAY's Pakistani Society " November 1st, 2010   By Amaan Tareen| The writer is the member of core team and media production of Pak1stanfirst I am sure that by reading this many people will think that I am projecting something against my society and this can harm our image on International Community but I think this is a need of time as it's a " Do or Die " situation for this nation. This is a root cause of all our major problems in Pakistan. Nations are made up of socio-cultural values and all these aspects of human life are intermingled ,deficient of all these we are not worthy to be called a nation, but just a group of people occupying the same land. Today after looking at most of the problems in our society I feel that we are not heading for that vision, that we have 1400 years ago. We are in a state of confusion, are we suffering from intellectual repression? As a nation we are morally dead and this is the bitter truth, the worse that can happen to any nation. We have always forgotten the message of our past, that we have the capacity to rediscover as a Pakistani people to rebuild a nation. We have become a chronic complainer and an aggressive critic of the rampant corruption in the bureaucracy, unclear foreign policy, bribery and government inefficiency. But how about us? Are we morally upright? We also have the same weakness and the same petty quarrels that existed between our leaders. After the gruesome and barbaric Sialkot incident, I deduced that we have no the right to criticize the evil in the government, because we just watched, while these people freely committing a crime in a maniacal and monstrous way. Muslims killing his fellow Muslim. There is no doubt that we love to criticize Western Nations for their grieve violation of Human rights and yet we could not even make a stand nor we could show sympathy at least to those who were victimized. We all have suffered a moral decay. We have remained stagnant, we cease to signify as the masses that could break the past and challenge the establishment, rebuilding the society, acting rather than talking. We want good politicians but we do not have a right political culture the political structures of dictatorship have not been completely transformed and even if we are aware of all these factors, we always voted for the wrong choice, without knowing the true essence and power of our right of suffrage. We criticize our Armed Forces but still we want them to save us from our enemies, we want them to come in power and save us from the corrupt politicians but as soon as they leave, we branded them traitors or dictators. We want honest people to come forward but we always fail because we do not have a strong and credible political system that can bring good people to the front, or we do not know how to identify their existence. We want someone to take the lead but again we have a ridiculous credibility issues, and highest level of mistrust, or we try to find some controversy related to them we always have a " crab mentality ". So, we can pull them down and preventing them to perform their duty of serving the people. We need change but first it should come from within us. We have to be faithful to our historical aspirations and experience, rooted as it were, in our realistic demands; we are in many ways and under changing circumstances, still waging a struggle for change. "  To bring the change you have to change " We want our rights, but we fail to identify what those rights are. We often make complaints about the issues but we never try to figure out the actual reasons behind those issues. We want revolution in the country but we do not realize that "  The revolution is not an apple that falls when it is ripe. You have to make it fall –  Che Guevara " We cease to abide within the precept of Islam the way the Prophet (P.B.U.H) admonished us. All of these chaos and miseries will not end as long as we do not remain faithful. I believe that Allah has already given us the direction; it's only up to us to articulate our faith and follow that direction. If you have no idea on how to overcome all this, then read the Quran thoroughly to understand the purpose for the creation of Pakistan , only then you will come to know why we came into being and why  despite all the hardship and torments we are still safe, The lyrics of our National Anthem also reverberates that purpose. We emerged as a nation under the great leadership of Quaid-e-Azam; we are conceived from the mind of Allama Muhammad Iqbal a great philosopher of the east. Today I see a lot of people have forgotten about their greatness that we have recently allowed President Asif Ali Zardari calling " Quaid-e-Azam a Non-Graduate " what happened to our national aspirations? Our historical and cultural awareness? We should have asked President Asif Ali Zardari to apologize for using inappropriate words for the founder of the nation, this doesn't end here. We always forget that the nations who forget their real heroes will cease to exist for long. We all should be vigilant in every circumstances that compel, confused aggravate or twist our heroes character or open them to dangerous and self-serving opportunists. There are necessary evils, some done deliberately but with regret, sometimes without. But there are also plain betrayals for selfish ends which are not only unforgettable but unforgivable.We have to take charge of our destiny to free ourselves from the clout of Imperialism and from all the vestiges of oppressions and to take pride in our historical heritage. One does not need to be wealthy and highly educated to identify with the change that we want to achieve. We are all in these together. Together we can act different possibilities, a consolidated power in re-establishing our identity of being Pakistani and to participate in rebuilding our beloved nation. A nation, moving forward, armed with Faith, Discipline and Unity! Pakistan Zindabad ! Closing Remarks: I am not a C.I.A Funded Pakistani; I do not intend to demoralize Pakistanis nor am I a Liberal. So please do not judge by my writing that I want to harm the image of Pakistan. It's just a concern that I am showing by writing this. This image in the post represents the chunk of Pakistani Population who does not care about whatever is happening , today in the world , all what they know is how to spend today without caring for yesterday & tomorrow ! Pakistan First

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