Titanic II – Rebirth of Titanic
From the blog jahojalal - Year 2012 celebrated the 100th anniversary of the maiden journey of the world's most expensive and biggest luxury liner of its time – Titanic. The legendary ship sailed from London to New York, but was never to be seen again as it hit an iceberg in th… . Open Full Post
30 April 2012 – Watch Live Online
From the blog jahojalal - Its Monday again tonight – I wonder how soon this day comes again. It was just yesterday that the night was there!!But every fan loves it to come this early as the Monday Night RAW is one of the most loved action packed wrestling event the world ove… . Open Full Post
Plant Some Sunshine
From the blog newslinemagazine - On May 1, 2012, gardeners across the country are invited to participate in the Sunflower Guerilla Gardening Day in Pakistan . Open Full Post
BlackBerry App World working in Pakistan yet again!
From the blog telecompk - > BlackBerry App World working in Pakistan yet again! telecompk.net — BlackBerry App world has not been available in Pakistan since it's launch. While there is no official announcement from RIM about the availability of the application store in the country, BlackBerry users all across the country on different networks have reported that the on-device... . Open Full Post
Prof. Louis Levy on Love
From the blog awaisaftab - > Prof. Louis Levy on Love awaisaftab.blogspot.com — Woody Allen's fictional philosopher Prof. Louis Levy in the film�Crimes and Misdemeanors�has some interesting thoughts to share... * "You will notice that what we are aiming at when we fall in love is a very strange paradox. The paradox consists of the fact that when... . Open Full Post
This Extension For Chrome Brings Windows 8 Metro UI...
From the blog RedmondPie - > This Extension For Chrome Brings Windows 8 Metro UI... redmondpie.com — Those in any way affiliated with the tech industry will know of Microsoft's plans to release Windows 8 to the consumer pretty soon, and from what's been showcased hitherto, most have been impressed. While the latest iteration of the software maker's operating system has many... . Open Full Post
Cultural Hybridity
From the blog AnEdibleSymphony - > Cultural Hybridity anediblesymphony.blogspot.com — I'm feeling guilty again, dear readers. Sometimes I tell myself, really, life is too short to let yourself be plagued by guilt every so often, but then that is like fighting the tide of life for me. I'm a Pakistani-Middle Eastern-Canadian-American mutt, who has made many a decision... . Open Full Post
Time is up, Mr Gilani
From the blog guppu - > Time is up, Mr Gilani guppu.com — Either it is a matter of protecting ill-gotten money of President Asif Ali Zardari or upholding constitution of Pakistan, a new constitutional and political crisis has begun with verdict of Supreme Court. The contempt of court proceedings against Prime Minister Yousaf ... . Open Full Post
Hands-On With Quasar Multi-App Window Manager For...
From the blog RedmondPie - > Hands-On With Quasar Multi-App Window Manager For... redmondpie.com — Although iOS 4 brought a multitasking experience to iOS per se, it's not exactly the most functional, and the fact that only one app can be viewed at any given time is much to the annoyance of many iDevice users, particularly those rocking the 9.7-inch display of the iPad. Continue... . Open Full Post
Half Man
From the blog ugghani - > Half Man ugghani.blogspot.com — The Story of Peng Shuilin In life we keep complaining about what is or why we don't have. Half the time we seem dissatisfied, though full-bodied and free to choose. Fat people say,"I want to be slim." Skinny people say,"I want to be fatter."Poor people want to be rich and rich... . Open Full Post
Google Music Desktop Player For Windows Has Metro...
From the blog RedmondPie - > Google Music Desktop Player For Windows Has Metro... redmondpie.com — While Google Music is gathering some steam in the United States, it remains a myth to the rest of the world. Following the usual trend of beta testing Stateside before worldwide implementation, it remains to be seen whether - in a field dominated by fierce rival Apple with its... . Open Full Post
This Tweak For iOS Automatically Closes Apps When...
From the blog RedmondPie - > This Tweak For iOS Automatically Closes Apps When... redmondpie.com — The Auto App Killer tweak that landed in the Cydia store yesterday is one that is causing mixed opinions around the jailbreak community, with most chatter surrounding whether or not a package of this nature is even required. The tweak is designed to allow jailbroken users some... . Open Full Post
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