Lahore and Dilly in a day
From the blog jahojalal - by Salman Rashid shared by SAJS It was late afternoon on a November day. The mellow sun sat on the western horizon just above the brown and grey tree-less hills when we fetched up outside Lahore. The place was deserted. The doors set in hi... . Open Full Post
What's in Coke Studio Episode 4 (Season 4) ?
From the blog pakium - Coke Studio's Episode 4 offers audiences a series of musical excursions to various regions across the country. The selection represents not just a cross section of musical diversity – it reveals the cultural significance of music to an eth... . Open Full Post
A village library in the Karakoram mountains needs your help
From the blog theterrorland - Muhammad Rehbar.—Photo PT GULMIT is the headquarters of Gojal, a tehsil administrative unit in Hunza district. On January 4, 2010, a landslide blocked the Karakoram Highway near Atabad village and the H... . Open Full Post
Great Performance By Pakistan Special Olympics Squad And Poor Response By Media
From the blog paklifecycle - The Summer Olympics for Special people are being held in Athens now a days. Pakistani squad is also there who are participating in eight different categories.They have done much better so far as far as their training and the sports facilities are conc... . Open Full Post
Match Fee For Domestic Tournaments Increased By Pakistan Cricket Board
From the blog paklifecycle - Pakistan cricket Board has announced the new match fee schedule and new fee curricular for the domestic tournaments being held now a days which come under the supervision of PCB and are directly registered under PCB and ICC. This new curricular came a... . Open Full Post
Calling Lali Khalid
From the blog sajshirazi - > Calling Lali Khalid — The world and our vision are without clear edges. The photograph is not this way. It frames and isolates. My photographs are a form of pointing. I choose and manipulate what parts of the world end up... . Open Full Post
Complete Guide to Unlock iPhone4 on iOS5b2 Using Gevey...
From the blog ijafri - > Complete Guide to Unlock iPhone4 on iOS5b2 Using Gevey... — As we posted earlier that iPhone4 can be unlocked on any iOS or any baseband by using Gevey sim Unlock. Gevey Sim unlocks your iPhone permanently. it was working with all firmware's up to iOS5b1 but with the release of iOS5b2, it is fixed which means you can't unlock your iPhone... . Open Full Post
Father Of PlayStation, Ken Kutaragi Retires In Sony...
From the blog RedmondPie - > Father Of PlayStation, Ken Kutaragi Retires In Sony... — Just after a day after a shareholders meeting, Sony has announced that they will be shuffling some of their top executives as Akira Sato (Chairman, SCE) and Ken Kutaragi (Honorary Chairman, SCE) are set to retire soon. Continue reading this article at . Open Full Post
The Genius of Borges
From the blog awaisaftab - > The Genius of Borges — "It is a laborious madness and an impoverishing one, the madness of composing vast books -- setting out in five hundred pages an idea that can be perfectly related orally in five minutes. The better way to go about it is to pretend that those books already exist, and offer a... . Open Full Post
Riyadh will build nuclear weapons if Iran gets them,...
From the blog StateOfPakistan - > Riyadh will build nuclear weapons if Iran gets them,... — Saudi-Iran tensions could spell more trouble for Pakistan According to the Guardian (June 29), Prince Turki al-Faisal, a former Saudi intelligence chief and ambassador to Washington, has raised the spectre of nuclear conflict in the Middle East if Irancomes close to developing... . Open Full Post
سیاست دان
From the blog saadblog - سیاست دان 30 June 2011 Miscellaneous استاد: سیاست دان کیا کرتے ہیں؟ شاگرد ۱: عوام کو دھوکہ دیتے ہیں! شاگرد ۲: ملکی خزانے کو لوٹتے ہیں! شاگرد ۳: عوام کو بے وقوف بناتے ہیں! شاگرد ۴: عوام کے ساتھ جھوٹے وعدے کرتے ہیں! شاگرد ۵: ملک کے ساتھ غداری کرتے ہیں! شاگرد ۶: ملک کے ٹکڑے کرتے ہیں! Read the complete post at: سعد کا بلاگ » . Open Full Post