Favorites fall as World Cup frenzy peaks.
From the blog youngpakistan1 - Mahi ke matwalo,you don't have much to celebrate huh? Making an imposing total of 328 and not been able to defend it? Tch Tch tCh....! India and Srilanka ,the hot favorites of the tournament were beaten by the dark horses of... . Open Full Post
This is Not Sport. This is Cruel. And Illegal.
From the blog AllThingsPakistan - Adil Najam The pictures that follow are graphic and horrific. So, please do not scroll any further if you think you cannot handle them. These are pictures of a dog fight, taken yesterday outside the village of Lora in Abbottabad Distri... . Open Full Post
Telenor Persona Live Survey
From the blog telecompk - > Telenor Persona Live Survey telecompk.net — Telenor Persona is set to launch Live Survey, an online and SMS based application for businesses. From the information available the application will allow to conduct quick interactive online and SMS based surveys. More details will become apparent after the official launch. . Open Full Post
Iran arrests opposition leaders Mousavi and Karoubi...
From the blog guppu - > Iran arrests opposition leaders Mousavi and Karoubi... guppu.com — TEHRAN (Guppu Post) — Iran on Monday arrested opposition leaders Mirhossein Mousavi and Mehdi Karoubi as well as their wives, according to an opposition news website. It comes just a day before a planned protest. The Kaleme website reported that Mousavi and Karoubi were... . Open Full Post
How to Change Slide to Unlock Method on iPhone iPod...
From the blog ijafri - > How to Change Slide to Unlock Method on iPhone iPod... ijafri.com — Sick of the old slide to unlock method? want to try something new to unlock your iDevice? Sirpreis has introduced a new way to unlock your iDevice. With the help of this tweak you can unlock the iDevice by different ways other than the slide to unlock. Move2Unlock: This amazing... . Open Full Post
Sanam Marvi to Perform at World Music Festival 2011
From the blog Koolmuzone - > Sanam Marvi to Perform at World Music Festival 2011 koolmuzone.com — Although the lady was a always Sufi sensation and one of the finest vocalist for her age, she only became popular after her outstanding performances in the last season of Coke Studio. Trained under her father Fakir Ghulam Rasool, she has been deeply involved in reading Sufi... . Open Full Post
i got a feeling
From the blog halai - > i got a feeling abbashalai.com — Here's a familiar, mundane scenario: you've got an iPhone with loads of music on it. And you've got a laptop with a new album on it. You want to put the new album on your phone. But you can't hook them up and simply drag-and-drop the files like you could with, ooh, almost any... . Open Full Post
Ar global village
From the blog thattakedona - > Ar global village thattakedona.blogspot.com — A possibility for the participation of a Pakistani NGO at the Global Village of the Dubai Shopping Festival for exhibiting and offering its outstanding handicrafts products emerged in 2000 on the invitation of the consulate general of Pakistan in Dubai. The first participation... . Open Full Post
Professional CV Writing Workshop & Interview Preparation...
From the blog PakHrUpDates - > Professional CV Writing Workshop & Interview Preparation... pakhr.blogspot.com — Professional CV Writing Workshop & Interview Preparation Workshop Date: 6 March 2011 Venue: Hotel Regent Plaza Karachi To book session for the above workshop/workshops: Call us on 34226734, 34535537 or e-mail your CV at CV@careersgiant.com . Open Full Post