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Travly Signs TPL Maps as its Navigation Partner

From the Blog telecompk style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-2983676629643435″ data-ad-slot="8774799491″ data-ad-format="auto"> TPL Maps, Pakistan's first indigenously designed mapping service has signed an agreement with Travly, a local startup providing transportation and logistics service, whereby TPL Maps will become the official navigator for Travly's drivers. This partnership is a first step towards building the Maps ecosystem in Pakistan, and highlights the fact that local startups are now willing to embrace homegrown technology. * "We are aggressively working with local incubators and startups to provide customized digital mapping solutions and this partnership is one of the many such alliances which will contribute to a more digital Pakistan. Local startups embracing home grown tpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 1313179736870034328 Pakistani Blog Posts


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