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Diary of an Apologist

From the Blog pakteahouse *By Kapil Dev* Dear Country Fellow, I was born as normal human like Nadeem Paracha, Asma Jahangir and Pervez Hoodbhoy, but with the grace of race I come from and mercy of book and facebook, I am now a certified Apologist. I consider myself a legitimate child of *If* and *But*. Though, However, Hence, Thus, And are my close relatives. They often support me when I am trolled by liberal fascists. I too support them in return if and when needed. I can be found anywhere irrespective of religion, caste, class, gender, color, ethnicity, and nationality. I am in my mid twenties. I am also popularly known as Apolgia by my friends who are also known as *youthia*. I am not the first breed of apologists, but I am from the same pedigree of youthia-cum-jamaatiya. I enjoy same perks and ppakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 6408862988280887378 Pakistani Blog Posts


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