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Scaffold Safety Program

From the Blog firstaidtosavealifeAn approximate 65 % of the construction industry, work on scaffolds frequently. Protecting these workers from scaffold-related accidents would prevent 744,500 injuries and 1014 deaths every year, at a saving of $810 million dollars in workdays not lost. As it is a legal … Continue reading →pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Farewell, Aslam

From the Blog beenasarwar[image: Aslam-2013-photo beena] Aslam Azhar, Islamabad, 2013. Photo: Beena Sarwar *My personal tribute to a giant of progressive politics in Pakistan, published in The Friday Times on Jan 15, 2016, posted below with links that didn't make it into the TFT copy. * By Beena Sarwar *Aslam. That's what everyone, junior or senior, in the theatre group Dastak called him.* He insisted upon it. That was just one aspect of Aslam Azhar, the founding father of Pakistan Television and already a legendary figure in the late 1980s. That was when I joined the theatre group that he had started in 1982 with his close friend and comrade Mansoor Saeed – who also insisted on being called Mansoor. Aslam's wife Nasreen and Mansoor's wife Abida were also activists. Besides Dastak, they were involved pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 5769338848263981500 Pakistani Blog Posts


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