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The Not-So-Average Day in the Life of a Pakistani Med Student

From the Blog the-emo-wolverine-writes[Warning: Terrorism, Long Post] When I think I've finally gotten into a routine of studying, something always happens that breaks the mental schedule I have set for myself. For example, before this week had even started, I had decided that I would spend my free time in the library, trying to catch up on all the work that I had gotten behind on when I had went to Karachi. Things seemed to go great until the middle of the week when some very freaky rumors started spreading in the institute.. This story of sorts unravels on the morning of 20th January, 2016. There are three main events that I will relate to you. I hope this doesn't alarm you, I just want to convey what kind of things tend to happen in my country. *The First Incident* Imagine a classroom with a strength of studepakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

The Way To Fearlessness

From the Blog noorsplaceOne of the most important personality traits, for me, is the quality of fearlessness. I wouldn't call myself a completely fearless person because I'm far from it. But it's something on my mind lately to achieve. In fact, it's one of my 2016 goals in terms of personal growth. Fearlessness means differently for different people. I want to share what it means for me: It's about trying new things when I am so unsure about their turn-out. It's about taking a risk when there's no certainty whether I'll pass it or not. It's about willing to let go of things when they're no longer good for me but still means a lot. It's about getting things done when failure seems inevitable. It's about wishing and working for the things you want in life; no matter if they look utterly impossible to acpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 2940416222631355248 Pakistani Blog Posts


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