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Bloglanders: Breaking the Ice

From the Blog jasminecatchesbutterflies I have had Twitter since even before I got Facebook as far as I can recall. I admit, as a beginner it was a tough cookie and back in the day it was much much harder to figure out since nobody I knew was on it. It took me 3 years to actually use it and that was the time when I made this blog. However, it was only last year that I actually upped my networking game and around this time of the year, or maybe even a little late, I started participating in Twitter chats. I knew they existed, but I wasn't really into them until I saw *Noor Unnahar*, who is my lovely friend from *Noor's Place* blog, hosting her own Twitter chat called #socialbloggers one fine Saturday night. I enjoyed the session she held so much that I started chatting more frequently with other bloggers. That chat wapakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Does Pakistan film industry is suffering from Javed Sheikh Syndrome?

From the Blog hallopakistan Google Image *Javed Sheikh got big break through after Haseena Moin's drama Ankahi where he acted against Shehnaz Sheikh. Ankahi is considered as evergreen super hit but honestly it was not Javed Sheikh acting but strong script and direction plus acting of Shehnaz Sheikh, Shakeel, late Saleem Nasir, Late Jamshed Ansari, Bhehroz Sabazwari who is also brother in law of Javed Sheikh played pivotal role to make it an instinct hit. Karisma Kapoor in Bollywood movie Chal Mere Bhai try to copy Shehnaz Sheikh as most scenes are inspired from Ankahi drama but miserably failed both in content and acting.* *Son Shehzad Sheikh and daughter Momal Sheikh * *Later Javed become part of Lollywood and gave few hits with his new wife Salma Agha. The marriage ended in bitter separation and divopakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 9043255453964698429 Pakistani Blog Posts


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