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بالآخر انگلستان کی ٹیم ہوش میں آگئی

From the Blog cricnamaانگلستان اور آسٹریلیا کے درمیان ہونے والے ابتدائی دو ایک روزہ میچ کے نتائج دیکھتے ہوئے یہ خدشہ ہوگیا تھا کہ کہیں تیسرا میچ بھی آسٹریلیا ہی نہ جیت جائے، خدشہ اِس لیے کہ اگر ایسا ہوجاتا تو بقیہ دو میچ دیکھنے کی جستجو ختم ہوجاتی مگر انگلستان نے نہ صرف تیسرا ایک روزہ میچpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

The Anatomy of a performance

From the Blog beanbagtalesCrazy plans, usually, are made in the most calm moments. It was on a nice, pre-summer evening, somewhere in early April. It is that time of the year when the weather in Karachi is not monstrous and one can enjoy a smoke and chit chat in the great outdoors (read: terrace) with friends. While conversation flowed between hubby dear, Z and myself, one of us (I forget who) asked rather innocently if we could put up a new narrative performance this year? The other two nodded nonchalantly at first but with each passing minute the desire to create something overcame all rational thoughts and a performance started materializing. Books were taken off the shelf, dim lights were replaced by reading lamps and the music was turned low. Discussions followed over the merits and demerits of varpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 3908211744782381645 Pakistani Blog Posts


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