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~Review:FoodPanda Pakistan Home Delivery Food Service~

From the Blog areejusmanRecently home delivery food services are trending a lot.People sometimes find it comforting ordering their favorite foods online and eating it in the warmth and coziness of their own home.Some people are too lazy to go out and eat whereas some only love to go out and eat and hate home deliveries.PS:No thats not me who hates home deliveries Its my hubby !Foodpanda has been the talk of town lately.Specially when you think of considering the options that are available Foodpanda jumps into your mind. Luckily I was asked by Foodpanda Pakistan to order something from them & review it.Ofcourse my review would be even handed and impartial. I was waiting for the perfect day to order my lunch.It was a rainy day in Islamabad & I thought it best to browse through the different options availabpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 8338902499663947158 Pakistani Blog Posts


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