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Did any one use the ‘T’ word ?

From the Blog iabhopal Three Muslim university students were gunned down on Wednesday in North Carolina, United States. After seeing the ‘breaking news’ alert on my phone, from the UK’s Independent newspaper, I switched on the TV to tune in to CNN. Nothing there. Instead, I saw a suitably stern Christiana Amanpour in conversation with French journalist Didier Francois about the latest Isis terror. Then I turned to the old, ever dependable Beebs. Nothing there, either. Not even on the ‘fair and balanced’ Fox News or our own Al Jazeera. In fact, the news about the shooting of the family of three, Deah Shaddy Barakat, 23, his wife, Yusor Mohammed, 21, and her sister, Razan Mohammad, 19, all students of North Carolina University, in their home trickled down on wires much later. And even when it did, thepakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 1505300324472887160 Pakistani Blog Posts


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