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Witch Hunting ka Zamaana Kabhi Hoga na Puraana...

From the Blog faysy First, the Malala post and now this. I hope to God I don't become the kind of guy who writes State of the Union speeches. But you knew this was coming, didn't you? Here goes: So Junaid Jamshed said some stuff 2 years ago, and as a nation, we've got our second pair of panties in a knot. Once again, there are 2 groups warring, though interestingly unlike with the Malala case, they're not really sparring with each other. For once they're united in that they have a common enemy, Junaid Jamshed. They are baying for his blood, albeit for completely different reasons. Man, it sure seems like we just can't hear any piece of news and say, "Okay, that's interesting, I do feel strongly about this issue, perhaps a little angry too. But there maybe a side to it I'm not considering. Let's depakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 3528508899762327724 Pakistani Blog Posts


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