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National Fintech Lab is an Accelerator to Help Fintech Startups in Pakistan

From the Blog propakistani The National Fintech Lab accelerator program is a collaboration between National Bank of Pakistan, Trioca Ventures and Fern Software Singapore. NFL has been designed to provide fintech startups in Pakistan with the support and mentoring they need to develop disruptive solutions that solve real-world problems in effective financial services delivery. A curated core banking platform "sandbox" is an essential requirement for innovative fintechs to be able to develop and to demonstrate working proof-of-concepts for banks and microfinance institutions – this enables them to experiment with real products and real data, without needing to actually link directly to financial institutions' legacy systems. Fern is therefore providing shortlisted fintechs with free-of-charge access to a pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 3891060747108934266 Pakistani Blog Posts


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