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The reflection of how distant learning has changed my life

From the Blog fancyontheroad *Who am I? * If you have asked me this question three years ago I would have replied: I am a coder by profession and a traveller by passion, quite simple. That's because it was all that I had on my plate, learn ⇄ code, earn ⇄ travel and REPEAT! Well the life moves on, so have I, having a partner to share my code and a baby to cherish during breaks (that's a lie, she has pleasantly taken over every second of my life) is an ideal life that I must have dreamed of in the past. I decided to became a programmer by choice as I was a curious soul and a nerd! My school's computer lab with black screen and some foreign language (GW Basic) became a real deal hence I was hooked for life. Apart from coding, I love learning in general, I had so many plans to get additional degrees/certifipakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

First Aid & CPR/AED | Dec 29 | Karachi

From the Blog firstaidtosavealifeWHY learn first aid? Because every 5 seconds, someone in the world dies as a result of an injury. First aid is considered as must have skill for every single person. A skill which if learned and applied properly can … Continue reading →pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 9031748279481038142 Pakistani Blog Posts


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