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US Congress Demands an Answer From India Over Kashmir

From the Blog propakistani The United States' (US) Congressmen have written a letter to the Indian Ambassador to Washington, Harsh Vardhan Shringla, seeking an answer on the current situation in the occupied Kashmir. The letter signed by the six members of the US Congress has sought clarification from him on the differences in his statement regarding Kashmir and on the ground situation. Shringla was summoned in the House Foreign Affairs Committee on October 16 for a briefing over Kashmir. The Indian Ambassador had presented an all-okay report before the committee, which was later rejected by the Congress. The Congressmen have noted that Shringla's briefing in the committee does not match the ground realities. They also urged India to allow journalists and a member of congress to visit the valley. We bpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 1000616405666579060 Pakistani Blog Posts


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