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Post # 27 - the power of stories

From the Blog beanbagtalesWhat is a story? A couple of thousand words printed in a book form? A re-telling of fables and folklores? A collection of characters who are assigned roles and thrown into situations by the writer? A lot of us tend to disregard stories - we feel they are not necessary or important in our lives. Which is quite ironic because we are surrounded by stories. No matter where we come from, what our lineage is, whether we're brown, black or white, or who we worship - stories are an integral part of our lives. A good story is a wonderful thing. For me, personally, a good story is one which stirs up something inside. A story which makes me question life and the choices we make. A story which gives me a glimpse of other worlds and lives. Characters form a very pivotal point for me in anpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

The best way to upgrade your job may be this easy…

From the Blog blog There are THREE ways of looking at work. Any work, either as a business or as an employee. And out of those three, the worst one is the most common… One Job, Three Perspectives The above video explains (in Urdu) how we can go from a Job to a Career and perhaps even a Calling. It's all about them neurons man. An electrical spark, firing in your brain, giving you all these perspectives. We have significant control over which neuron fires when. You are working a job, and you hate it? Change that because you CAN! Why won't you? Two ways to work, really: *do what you love, or love what you do. * Don't hate your work. Your work is your contribution. Make it count. Pursue excellence. God loves those who pursue Excellence. Hope you are having a good day. #Bismilla Self Helppakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 7306272580524172801 Pakistani Blog Posts


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