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"buying good rather than goods"

From the Blog dannish-dannishMighty money, gives you power and choices. Steve Job has it all but not having health can be limiting. History has proven it over and over, again and again. But, I think, history is never there to teach us: it is a story of past doings of others, you may learn but largely used as a reference to cross reference past doings in current times. It happens before, it can happen now with similar consequences. The people who make history usually may not be aware of history as they are busy in making it. He was writing his new book and having limitations to talk and write has given him option to blink and command. That was one of the innovations for ALS patients. He showed his writing on computer screen, and wanted my opinion. Sure, amazing thoughts. Money can buy you a lots of goodpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 3008387694627891208 Pakistani Blog Posts


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