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From the Blog randomlyabstract Could a poem cover it? Nahee, no way. 26 letters in English and 52 or so in Urdu. Have you see the black in abuse? IT'S A VAST SEA IT'S NOT JUST A VAST SEA, oh please help me find a word greater than a sea. This is storm-in-a-sea, fast moving, all ending, utter utter utter blinding. Can you see the centre? Oh fuxk. This is not a test. You don't win if you tell the right metaphors. Red blood, purple bruise, black eyes. We all know it. And your pitiful "bleeding" heart Grow up. Grow out of this poem. Grow out of your "tearing" heart. No, not with more knife. Abuse. Here, take this word. Will you lock yourself behind a washroom door or would you hold a blanket over your face so tight your knuckles would go white. Oh haha. More colors. It smells of doom to me. Shushhh. No morepakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 8711093155034580294 Pakistani Blog Posts


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