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Three days

From the Blog randomlyabstract - - Three days to go, three things to show. A heart pebble. You love pebbles so much there is an entire collection of it in a box on your table. Probably left it for your niece here. Of course you will find another in Dubai. Achi jaga hai. But we won't find people who would gift us PEBBLES. And flowers. Look at that cloud, sit on the grass, come let's admire this abnormal looking very fascinating tree. SubhanAllah. Remember our walks from Sufi? VS. Leaves falling. Magic, magic, magic. A key. It might not be the same but I think it is. Because I saved it in a very old piggy bank type of thing that I got at my aameen or something. It had these little memories packed aesthetically. And in there was this key. Of your "secret drawer" that you had hidden from me at your opakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 4247219912560289996 Pakistani Blog Posts


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