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پھول کی فریاد

From the Blog theajmals یہ نظم میں نے ساتویں جماعت (1949ء تا 1950ء)کی مرقع ادب میں پڑھی تھی کیا خطا میری تھی ظالم تو نے کیوں توڑا مجھے کیوں نہ میری عمر ہی تک شاخ پہ چھوڑا مجھے جانتا گر اس ہنسی کے دردناک انجام کو میں ہوا کے گُگُدانے سے نہ ہنستا نام کو خورشید کہتا ہے کہ میری کرنوں کی محنت گئی مہ کو غم ہے کہ میری دی ہوئی سب رنگت گئی pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

State of Pakistan's Relations With Iran and India

From the Blog riazhaqWhat does Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan hope to accomplish during his Iran visit? What are the key issues bedeviling Iran-Pakistan relations? Cross-border terrorism alleged by both? Pakistan's relations with the Gulf Arabs? CPEC? Afghanistan? Gwadar? Chabahar? Indian RAW's use of Iran to launch terror attacks in Pakistani Balochistan? Who calls the shots in Iran? President Rouhani or the hardline Iranian Revolutionary Guard leaders? Why is Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi continuing to threaten Pakistan with use of force, including use of nuclear weapons? Is this part of his election campaign to appeal to his base? Or will this intimidation go beyond elections if he wins a second term? Is Pakistan Prime Minister's hope of better ties with India under BJP just a mirage? pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 8428524633904357986 Pakistani Blog Posts


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