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Sailor on a busy Road

From the Blog abdullah-afzalfew flashes from the past and i realized................... when i was driving today, i focused on the path which lay ahead.... round about, turns, lane, indicator, brake, red light......... In between i talked with my wife........... sang broken lines of songs for my daughter who sat behind.......... And rarely, very rarely, i glanced at the rear mirror...... what i left behind.......... Looking back helped me in making corrections ......... driving better............... I left places and people not because i wanted to..... because it was meant for...... I have to reach my destiny and i can't stop..... can't look back all the time...... But when i do, it strengthens me......helps me in driving better. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 6971325485616357653 Pakistani Blog Posts


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