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British Government Lists Pakistan Among Top 3 Money Laundering Sources

From the Blog riazhaqBritish National Crime Agency (NCA) has identified Pakistan, Nigeria and Russia as the top source countries for money laundering in the United Kingdom, according to British media reports. The NCA report says the UK is a prime destination for foreign corrupt and politically exposed people (politicians and their families) to launder money. *NCA Report Highlights:* In its annual assessment of serious and organized crime, the NCA says: "Investment in UK property, particularly in London, continues to be an attractive mechanism to launder funds....As the UK moves towards exiting the EU in March 2019, UK-based businesses may look to increase the amount of trade they have with non-EU countries....We judge this will increase the likelihood that UK businesses will come into contact with cpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 4186021586595903979 Pakistani Blog Posts


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