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PSL 2018 Live screening in Karachi – Our top 5 picks

From the Blog cheflingtales We Pakistanis are as crazy about cricket as we are about food and with the new PSL season going on, we need food and chai all the time to keep us fueled for the cricket spirit. The spirits in Karachi are running on an all-time high with Karachi Kings' win yesterday against the Quetta Gladiators and all the locals have already started making plans for the PSL Final [image: 😉] We have rounded up a few places in the K-town for you to enjoy food, chai, and chitchat with friends during those nerve wrecking PSL 2018 matches; have a look below: *SOS – Season of Smiles* SOS is located right across the road from Dolmen Mall Clifton but it's different from all those run of the mall chai walas being opened right left and center. They have a welcoming décor and comfortable seats (most pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 2739720695055012769 Pakistani Blog Posts


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