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Indian scammers

From the Blog mtrtmk The scammers gaming India's overcrowded job market …Americans lose around $1.5bn to tech-support scams every year; 86% of them originate in India… pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Ex US Defense Secretary Robert Gates on Pakistan's "Lies and Deceit"

From the Blog riazhaqPresident Donald Trump's first new year tweet in 2018 accused Pakistan of "nothing but lies and deceit". This is not new. Back in 2011, then Secretary of Defense Robert Gates in a US Senate Hearing was asked by Senator Patrick Leahy about Pakistan's "lies" to the United States. Here's how the exchange went: *SENATOR PATRICK LEAHY: How long do we support governments that lie to us? When do we say enough is enough?* *SEC ROBERT GATES: Well, first of all, I would say, based on 27 years in CIA and four and a half years in this job, most governments lie to each other. That's the way business gets done.LEAHY: Do they also arrest the people that help us when they say they're allies?GATES: Sometimes.LEAHY: Not often.GATES: And -- and sometimes they send people to spy on us,pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 549524963045927817 Pakistani Blog Posts


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