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How to Spot a Toxic Person from a Mile Away

From the Blog brainknittings *Khadeeja Rana* I have been meaning to write about toxicity, having had my fair share of toxic people, it only makes sense. I think I've reached my saturation point when it comes to toxic people, be it someone close or someone that I barely know. Anyhow, it is about time I make good use of my bad experiences and offer reasons of why people become toxic, how to spot them, keep your distance and sanity intact at the same time. Let's begin by understanding what we mean by toxic people. First off, we all have issues, quirks of personality and what not but toxicity is more of an entire personality, a lifestyle that is incredibly hard to get rid of. Long story short it can be both covert and overt, therefore sometimes it is very under the radar. *How to Spot A Toxic Person* I'll tpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 7658898574514858273 Pakistani Blog Posts


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