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From the Blog randomlyabstract a g i t a t i o n This time of the year you want to give up. You are *so* done. You could pack a bag and scurry off to the hills or something… even though this wasn't what you wanted. But if you could find peace in any form you'll want to go after it. You are happy. You are laughing. You are making others laugh. There are fun sounds and dramatic gestures and such a sacred feeling of gratefulness it scares you. You can see the mess. You know what it is even when you're tapping your fingers on the keyboard pretending you can't find the word *you know you know the word*, you know it's called s t r u g g l e and sometimes it's a name and sometimes, it's a silly count of all your poems you never had the guts to share. When you end a day and begin another, you pat yourself on the pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 1526436350836579322 Pakistani Blog Posts


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