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Xiaomi is Back with a 48 Hours Online Sale in Pakistan!

From the Blog propakistani After setting an unparalleled record for holding a flat 50% flash sale in June 2017, Mi Pakistan is on its way to the next '48 Hours Online sale' on 25th and 26th September. Mi said that its fans responded enthusiastically to the previous flat-50 flash sale, and the company was successfully able to wrap up its stock in a couple of hours. Xiaomi is a Chinese mobile company which has become increasingly popular in Pakistan over a very short period of time. The upcoming sale is offering up to 25% discount on Eco products as well as widely loved Mi mobiles, and many bundle offers to boot. Xiaomi, being the only mobile network with an official e-commerce business, is setting a benchmark that other local mobile companies may aim for in the near future. The concept of a flash salepakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 4993747884871510673 Pakistani Blog Posts


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