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Fresh water flowing here before me

From the Blog tanveerrauf [image: sohni-the-immortal-lover] SHAH ABDUL BHITAI'S Like most of those in the Risalo, these poems are written in the short Sindhi verse form called bai. This is structured not only by the usual rhymes but also by alliteration, and something of the latter feature is suggested here. Fresh water flowing here before me Might River flow beyond ahead of me Friends! You sit in comfort at home With thy husband safe at thy home You would not hold me back If glimpsed at Sahar's lovely face You too would dive with thy pots In water; To save Sahar's lovely face …………. Crows rest crouching on the trees The day is swiftly coming to ending Hearing the evening call to pray She goes to see scars on Sahar's face Place where her love, Sahar's living ** With her pot she dives into water pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 8060149363148102728 Pakistani Blog Posts


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