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US Dilemma: Trump finding it difficult to dismount the lion

From the Blog firewithin-jhb The US finds it does not know how to dismount the tiger. The US is finding the War in Afghanistan a little too hot for its liking and why not; it was a War that remained in search of strategy and failed to find it. It's not that I wish to gloat, nor that I want to say 'I told you so', but that one is forced to respond when confronted with accusations that the US failed in Afghanistan on account of Pakistan. That we were a tricky two-faced partner. Since I was closely associated with this conflict for a number of years and since I am aware of the things that happened, it is only right that people such as me must speak for Pakistan just as we fought for Pakistan. That a hundred and fifty thousand NATO troops have been overwhelmed by the imagined hoards that Pakistan sent across thpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 496608383789350301 Pakistani Blog Posts


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