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The Grinding Pakistan - US Relations: A Rational Analysis

From the Blog firewithin-jhb Much is being said about the recent statement of Donald Trump. Yes, rightfully world has to analyze his words as he commands the super power. It is also acknowledged fact that a mere presence of its 101 Air borne division of aircraft carrier changes the power dynamics of region. Is move of 7 fleet into bay of Bengal into 1971 fresh in our memory? And have we read what our president was hoping? But we are a sovereign nation with a large army. Why should we go into panic. I am amazed that we are telling the world what we sacrificed for this war on terror – funny and shame. We need to do all for our country not to get American sympathy. We must learn to indulge in interstate relationship. Don't play victim to circumstances; you created. We are doing exactly the same. Let me refreshpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 6978900598751025660 Pakistani Blog Posts


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