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With Daughter of Eve: Mother of Humanity and Virtue

From the Blog pakteahouse *By: Ammara Shah* I don't want to tell my daughter The tales of my decline and fall The tales of my compromises And fake smiles I want to show her the bruises The wounds, the blood, the scratches I had through those terrible fights Against patriarchy, misogyny, sham honour, uncalled-for modesty, idiotic traditionalism and social injustice I don't want to tell my daughter The tales of mourning-driven wakeful nights Tears geared by and on misfortune, Reminiscing Tennyson's "idle tears" I want to tell my daughter Tales of the nights In whose loneliness I weaved dreams, With eyes, far away From tranquil slumber. And of the agony of realising those dreams: Dragging myself on thorn-strewn path, Gleaning bruises instead of roses, Awaiting blissful dawn. The dawn in whopakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 1060124231470965217 Pakistani Blog Posts


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