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Christine Fair's Anti-Pakistan Rants: Unfair? Unhinged?

From the Blog riazhaqC. Christine Fair is an assistant professor in the Center for Peace and Security Studies (CPASS), part of Georgetown University's Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service. She has only recently wised up to the opportunity to profit from sale of books attacking Pakistan in India, the world's third largest and currently the fastest growing market for books written in the English language. *Fair on India's Secret War in Pakistan:* Before writing and promoting "*Fighting to the End: The Pakistan Army's Way of War", *a virulently anti-Pakistan book, Dr. Fair said this in 2009: *"Having visited the Indian mission in Zahedan, Iran, I can assure you they are not issuing visas as the main activity! Moreover, India has run operations from its mission in Mazar (through which it supportedpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 2318980212497800510 Pakistani Blog Posts


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