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Junaid Jamshed and the "Born Again Muslim" Phenomenon

From the Blog pakteahouse *[image: junaid-jamshed-singing-dil-dil-pakistan-at-maria-wasti-show]By Raza Habib Raja.* Junaid Jamshed's untimely death has saddened us all but at the same time also revealed deep schisms in our society. Many are mourning the singer Junaid Jamshed and among them some are also explicitly mentioning that they do not approve of his misogynist and regressive comments, he made when he turned religious. Many on the other hand are mourning the religious Junaid Jamshed and applauding his decision to quit music and dedicate his life to preaching. Personally I belong to the first type. I grew up loving Junaid Jamshed's music but it was hard for me to like me when he turned preacher. I don't have anything against people who turn religious but the kind of views Junaid started to air wpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 2477386935722918014 Pakistani Blog Posts


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