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5 Things That Would Happen in The Walking Dead

From the Blog the-emo-wolverine-writesif it took place in Pakistan.... The Walking Dead is a pretty popular television series. The newest season started not too long ago and the hype for the show has been recreated. Don't get me wrong though, this series is fantastic. It has the elements I love when it comes to a futuristic dystopian setting filled with zombies. More than mindless killing, it's the aspect of survival that really reels me in. You can probably tell which season was my favorite. Definitely season three. Anyway, after watching such an intense series, I couldn't help but wonder what kind of show the Walking Dead would be like if it happened in Pakistan. Here are five things that would be different about the Walking Dead if it happened in Pakistan. More specifically, Islamabad. 1. Homes here are a lot mpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 4515378536317129877 Pakistani Blog Posts


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