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Clifton Housewife Waiting for Young Lovers

From the Blog pakistanimodelsFrom the blog Karachi XXX : Clifton Housewife Waiting for Young Lovers, (part of the Network) To see pictures, click the headline above.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

انگلستان پہلی بار پاکستان پر حاوی

From the Blog cricnama پہلے ٹیسٹ میں شکست کے بعد انگلستان کے دستے میں اضطراب واضح طور پر محسوس کیا جا رہا تھا۔ یہی وجہ ہے کہ دوسرے ٹیسٹ کھلاڑیوں کے انتخاب کے لیے 14 رکنی دستے کا اعلان کیا گیا، جو غیر یقینی کیفیت کو ظاہر کرنے کے لیے کافی تھا۔ لیکن اولڈ ٹریفرڈ کی بلے بازی کے لیے سازگار وکٹ، ایلسٹر کک کی قائدانہ اننگز، جو روٹ کا توقعات پر پورا اترنا اور پاکستان کے فیلڈرز کی فیاضی نے انگلستان کو پہلے ہی دن بالادست مقام پر پہنچا دیا ہے۔ جمعے کو ایک طرف جہاں اینٹیگا میں بھارت کے ویراٹ کوہلی ویسٹ انڈیز کے گیندبازوں کی تواضع کر رہے تھے، عین اسی وقت انگلستان کے ایلسٹر کک اور جو روٹ پاکستان کے باؤلرز کو اپنی "مہمان نوازی" دکھا رہے تھے۔ پہلے ٹیسٹ میں 10 وکٹیں لے کر پاکستان کی کامیابی میں مرکزی کردار ادا کرنے والے یاسر شاہ اولڈ ٹریفرڈ میں مکمل طور پر بجھے بجھے دکھائی دیے یہاں تک کہ دن کا اختتام بغیر کوئی وکٹ لpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Senate to Pass Cyber Crime Bill Next Week

From the Blog propakistani The Senate Standing Committee on Information Technology and Telecommunication is all set to pass the amended "Electronic Crime Bill 2016" on Monday, proposing a maximum punishment of 14 years with fine of Rs 50 million for cyber terrorism to deal with the growing cyber threats. The amended Bill will be moved to Senate of Pakistan on Tuesday […] - pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

PMLN Routs AJK Elections, While PTI Humiliated Yet Again

From the Blog pkhope Nawaz Sharif has got a power injection from the results of AJK elections yesterday. First time ever in the history of AJK, any party is in position to form government without help of allies or independents. PMLN has done it first time as they were contesting elections first time too under their banner. These elections results have come at the time when Nawaz administration is besieged yet again by the establishment in the form of Imran Khan who is threatening to create chaos yet again. Imran has even given date of 7th August for the mass protests. Amidst that, PMLN has clinched a massive landslide victory over the Khan and PPP combined. Out of 41 seats in total, PMLN has won 31 seats while PTI has got only 2 and PPP only 3. Elections were most free and fair under the eye of fapakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Mexican Inspired Chicken Fajita Spaghetti

From the Blog cheflingtales I love Mexican food. From burritos to enchiladas and spicy fajitas. I just can't have enough of it. My favorite go-to-meal is chicken fajita noodles – a Mexican inspired pasta loaded with chicken, sautéed fresh vegetables, and a wonderfully spicy and creamy sauce tossed into the spaghetti. *Chicken Fajita Spaghetti* is both simple and very nutritious. Whenever you're bored from the everyday roti salan, switch to making noodles or pasta instead. It's a delicious change and very easy to make. Fajitas are typically served with tortillas. Over time however, they have been incorporated into different dishes and meals. I absolutely love the way chicken fajita is cooked with simple and spicy flavors. You can always play around with your ingredients to add your personal touch. And as pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 2215802031002327069 Pakistani Blog Posts


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