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Summer Sewing

From the Blog ummeyusufRamadan, our favorite month of the year, is down to its last 11 or 12 days. We had a wonderful start to the month, when we were able to sight the Ramadan crescent ourselves. Since then, it has been all business, fasting, the suhoor (pre-dawn meal) and iftaar (the break-fast meal) and adjusting to a different sleep routine. On top of the hot June weather, we had to deal with a viral fever, which took all four kids in turn. That made the start of the month especially full. I have had little time or inclination to do any craft work. Here I am sharing the sewing I did a couple of months ago, for my eldest daughter. These are a couple of lawn fabric tops and a dress. The first one is a chevron print sewed into a Japanese-style top, inspiration for which abounds on pinterest. The secpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 1574823852869901549 Pakistani Blog Posts


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