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Comparing Iran's Chabahar and Pakistan's Gwadar Ports

From the Blog riazhaqChabahar port in Iran is only about 100 miles from Gwadar port in Pakistan. Both are natural deep sea ports in the Arabian sea. Gwadar Extends into Deep Sea with East & West Bays Eastern Half of Gwadar Port Gwadar port's planned capacity when it is completed will be 300 to 400 million tons of cargo annually. It is comparable to the capacity of all of India's ports combined annual capacity of 500 million tons of cargo today. It is far larger than the 10-12 million tons cargo handling capacity planned for Chabahar. Completed Gwadar Berths & Cranes To put Gwadar's scale in perspective, let's compare it with the largest US port of Long Beach which handles 80 million tons of cargo, about a quarter of what Gwadar will handle upon completion of the project. Gawadar port will be pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 2788560998639439060 Pakistani Blog Posts


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