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How to Make Kanra Mad

From the Blog the-emo-wolverine-writesIf you asked me personally, I'd say that it's not that easy to get me mad and riled up. I try to keep my cool and look at things objectively and critically; why is this person mad at me? Would being mad in response really be the best way to do this? How can I flip the situation around so no one gets hurt? I also tend to enjoy arguing if it involves seeing the other person's point of view and other perspectives on the issue. When it comes to arguing, or as I would call it 'heated discussion', here are a couple of things you can do to make me really furious. *Turn the argument into a contest of who can yell their opinions out the loudest and reiterate their redundant points the most*. So you decided to argue with someone who firmly believes that the sky is blue because it's a reflpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Forgiveness Is The Key

From the Blog noorsplace I remember a lot of things from my childhood. Forgiveness isn't one of them. I used to be a very hyper-angry-brat kind of child. And took pride in it. Now whilst I type it, it's not a thing of pride of anymore. But it did back then. What is forgiveness for you? Forgiving people who said bad words to you or letting go of those who weren't kind? Is that all forgiveness is about? I might have more things to add. Forgiveness is peace. It's the contentedness that there's absolutely no one in the world out there to disturb the peace of mind for you; even those who tried. Forgiveness is smiling past the stormy events that shook your grounds but couldn't budge your steps. Forgiveness is what human beings are made of. Yes, but there aren't really many humans out there. *REAL*. I have pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 8905181858184081223 Pakistani Blog Posts


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