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Classic Disney

From the Blog the-emo-wolverine-writesMy childhood was a childhood of classic Disney cassettes. I wonder how many of the kids of this era remember what a cassette was, a box of plastic housing black tapes that contained a movie that ran on your television. Kind of like a DVD, yes. (What do you mean you don't know what a DVD is?!) So I thought I'd share with you guys not my favorite movies, but my favorite music tracks from the entire collection. Without further ado, I present Kanra's Collection of Classic Disney. These are only a couple that I like. I might share more in the future but these are my favorites for now. Listen to this carefully and tell me you didn't shiver at least once! While I admit that the movie itself might be a little controversial due to the romanticist twist given to the history of colonizatipakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 4142214318123506185 Pakistani Blog Posts


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