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Cricket, Cricket Board & Cricket Team – Bye Bye

From the Blog pkhope At first there is one question, Do we really need to play cricket? Readers have their own answers, mine answer is no compulsion to play cricket. Once we are champions in hockey, now no hockey. We have no place in foot ball, why hue & cry for cricket. Let’s ban it Imran Khan says, political interference in the team must be stopped. Who will stop eleven politicians in the team, some politicians in team management, some politicians in PCB. Also some groups out side of the team controlling & supporting internal politician. Due to this politics there is no team discipline; example is Omer Akmal saying to captain that I will go on this position to bat, how this bloody chap can dictate captain. He must be sent to school again to learn how to follow seniors and orders from captain. Jupakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 3484960424440994628 Pakistani Blog Posts


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